“Dreamers” Mass Suicide Reported at Front Gate of White House

A shocking and disturbing report was just announced describing a gruesome scene in front of the White House this morning. Police, along with White House security, were called to the front gates after a report of at least 20 people lying on the ground. When they arrived, all of them were unresponsive.

“We obviously have a mass suicide on our hands,” said detective Ronald Prichard. “There are no signs of physical injury. However, all of them were foaming at the mouth which tells us they consumed something to cause her death.”

The names of the victims are not being released but authorities have confirmed that the participants were all between the ages of 17 and 24, all DACA recipients. All wore signs around their neck that said “Save DACA and our Souls.”

This tragedy comes on the heels of Donald Trump’s announcement to end DACA, an American immigration policy founded by the Obama administration in June 2012. DACA allows certain illegal immigrants who entered the country as minors to receive a renewable two-year period of deferred action from deportation and eligibility for a work permit.

The White House administration has not yet commented on the incident.