Florida Teacher Suspended After Shocking Sex Ed Demonstration

Shocking images out of a classroom in Jacksonville, Florida illustrate how 11-12 year olds in 6th grade are being taught how to use strap-on dildos amidst a debate about sexual content finding its way into other Common Core subjects, material which has been attacked by some as pornographic.
The pictures were taken by a student with a cellphone camera. They show a teacher demonstrating how to use a strap-on sex toy in a number of different positions.
In one image, the teacher even shows how to insert the strap-on while her buttocks are in the air and her legs up over her head.
In another image, the woman shows the children how to wear a harness to which the strap-on is attached.
Clinton Middle School in Duval County hired 39-year-old Sharon Mercer to teach the sex education class but after the photos emerged she was suspended and the school refused further comment. Mercer claimed her suspension was an act of “bigotry” because she was a “proud member of the LGBTQ community.”
Newly implemented Common Core educational standards have been assailed for their attempt to create a lowest common denominator form of teaching which many assert only works to dumb down lessons and prevent smart students from excelling.
The teaching of so-called “alternative” sexual lifestyles is being practiced in many states under Common Core as a result of sexual content finding its way into other subjects. A school district in Arizona banned a Common Core-approved book last year after it was found to contain sexually explicit passages that described scenes of bondage.
Common Core, which is being federally imposed on states across the nation, is a huge shift in teaching which opponents assert will eviscerate critical thinking and generally lower standards in the name of inclusiveness and political correctness. Numerous examples have emerged of Common Core style exam questions which only serve to cause more confusion and frustration.
Perhaps the most infamous example of how Common Core will manifest itself in America’s schooling system was illustrated by a bizarre video in which a Common Core curriculum director said that 3 x 4 = 11 could be considered a correct answer so long as students could explain how they reached that number.
Common Core’s sex education content has also faced fierce criticism, with one group even claiming that it represents “pornography” which serves to desensitize children to sexual contact and could lead to an increased chance of molestation within the schooling system.
“What is taught includes teaching inappropriate sexuality skills, that shouldn’t even be taught in college,” writes Joseph R. John. “According to child psychologists, the children are not mentally equipped to understand the detailed sexual indoctrination starting in kindergarten, they are indoctrinated in sexual practices that they should never be exposed to.”“There is a heavy socio political content of sex throughout Common Core curriculum being taught in every grade and in every subject, the student is taught that there is a sameness of gender, there is no longer simply boys and girls according to Common Core,” notes John. “The sexual content of Common Core crosses into every curriculum taught, from teaching sexuality skills in sex education courses by specially skilled and trained sex education teachers. Sexual activities and content in included in every subject taught. Sex is taught in the English curriculum, is included in the language curriculum, sex is woven into the science curriculum, in the math curriculum, in the social studies curriculum, and of course in biology.”
As the backlash grows, more and more states are considering abolishing Common Core altogether, with Indiana’s decision earlier this year to ditch the program seen as a victory for conservatives.