65 George Zimmerman Found DEAD Just Hours After Bragging About Killing Trayvon Martin At 12:21 AM EST George Zimmerman was found dead in the backyard of his Florida home. [READ MORE...]
0 ‘Free Abortions’ Offered To Hispanic Women Through New Welfare Benefit LOS ANGELES – With much talk being focused on building walls at the border and [READ MORE...]
0 Pope Questions Trump’s Christian Faith, GOP Candidate Blasts ‘Disgraceful’ Comment Just when it seems the 2016 presidential race could not get any stranger, it took another [READ MORE...]
0 Pope Suggests Contraceptives “OK” To Slow The Spread Of Zika Virus Pope Francis indicated contraceptives may be used to prevent the spread of the Zika [READ MORE...]
0 Ray Charles, American Legend, Dies At 83 American musical icon Ray Charles died Thursday of complications from liver disease at [READ MORE...]
37 Justin Bieber Spotted At Gay Club During Drunken Sexual Encounter With Man A photo was released over the weekend that has left the entertainment world in shock. [READ MORE...]
0 Casey Anthony Found Dead At Age 29 Casey Anthony Found Dead At Age 29 – Unconfirmed reports coming out of Warren, Ohio [READ MORE...]
41 Subway Spokes Person And Convicted Pedophile Jared Fogle Murdered By Prison Inmate A Colorado prison inmate is being hailed a hero today by other fellow inmates after he [READ MORE...]
49 Remains Of 18 Year Old Missing For 7 Years Found In Colorado Chimney COLORADO – The remains of an 18-year-old Colorado man reported missing seven [READ MORE...]
0 Jim Carrey’s Ex Reportedly Committed Suicide Using Pills Prescribed To The Comedian LOS ANGELES – Jim Carrey’s ex-girlfriend, Cathriona White, committed [READ MORE...]