States to Discontinue Soda and Candy for EBT Recipients on November 1 2017

On November 1, 2017 United States residents will no longer be able to buy Soda or Candy with their EBT Benefits. Sources say the number one product bought with the EBT Cards was Mt. Dew, Snickers and Twizzlers Licorice.
With healthcare hanging in the balance, state officials say it is time for American’s to change the way they eat and help reduce the cost of medical expenses endured by tax paying citizens.
“We are tired of flipping the bill for those who just eat everything in site with no thought to the consequences of their actions,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham. “And they are not going to fund their bad habits with American tax dollars anymore.”
There is pushback from the ACLU who says this goes against everything America stands for. “We live in a country of freedom, well I thought we did,” said ACLU spokesperson Miriam White. “We will not stand for this injustice. Big is beautiful and the government needs to stay out of our kitchen! Our bodies, our rights!”
The bill is said to be placed in effect November 1, 2017.