Subway Spokes Person And Convicted Pedophile Jared Fogle Murdered By Prison Inmate

A Colorado prison inmate is being hailed a hero today by other fellow inmates after he admittedly stabbed to death Jared Fogle, former Subway spokesperson and convicted pedophile. Fogle was pronounced dead on March 17 at 3:03 AM with multiple stab wounds to the anal area. This comes just one month after his January 29th beating by an inmate in a rec yard. Fogle was jumped during that incident and received a bloody nose, swollen face and scratches on his neck.
“Fogle was probably the most hated inmate in our prison,” said Jeffrey Wales, a guard at the low security facility Fogle was being held at. “I knew he was not going to make it out of here alive. There were too many here that wanted him dead for what he did. There was only so much we could do to protect him. I guess it’s true what they say, what comes around goes around.”
According to the medical examiner, Fogle received nearly 58 stab wounds in the anal area and a heavy beating to the face. “I’ve never seen anyone die like this,” said Richard Walker, Colorado medical examiner. “The way he died was extremely brutal. I cannot even imagine the pain he endured.”
Jared Fogle became a spokesman for Subway restaurants after he lost a significant amount of weight attributed to eating the subway sandwiches. He was the main spokesperson for the company’s advertising campaigns from 2000 – 2015 until he was investigated for paying for sex with minors and receiving child pornography. On August 19, 2015, he agreed to plead guilty in federal court to possessing inappropriate photos of children and traveling to pay for sex with minors. He was sentenced to serve 15 years, 8 months in federal prison with a minimum of 13 years.